Donate to Sledgehamster!

Send me some dollars if you like the line art!

In addition to my repoussé handout in .pdf form, I wish to make available several vector-based drawings, primarily for SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) use.  SCA badges will be grouped by regional area (kingdom), and will be drawn as I have spare time.  If you appreciate these scalable images, throw the ol’ Sledgehamster some dollars on the Donate button!

Kingdom of Avacal

Kingdom of Avacal

2.30 MB 61 downloads
Kingdom of Atenveldt

Kingdom of Atenveldt

3.65 MB 619 downloads
Kingdom of Artemisia

Kingdom of Artemisia

3.41 MB 230 downloads
Kingdom of The West

Kingdom of The West

3.16 MB 230 downloads
Kingdom of An Tir

Kingdom of An Tir

3.28 MB 241 downloads
Kingdom of Trimaris

Kingdom of Trimaris

3.38 MB 864 downloads
Kingdom of Lochac

Kingdom of Lochac

7.22 MB 198 downloads
Kingdom of Atlantia

Kingdom of Atlantia

6.56 MB 414 downloads
Calontir Sumptuary Law

Calontir Sumptuary Law

26.23 KB 270 downloads
Kingdom of Caid

Kingdom of Caid

2.57 MB 243 downloads
Kingdom of Ealdormere

Kingdom of Ealdormere

3.21 MB 243 downloads
Kingdom of Drachenwald

Kingdom of Drachenwald

719.07 KB 287 downloads
Middle Kingdom

Middle Kingdom

3.10 MB 401 downloads
Saturday Morning Cartoons

Saturday Morning Cartoons

21.29 MB 3550 downloads
Kingdom of The East

Kingdom of The East

0.31 KB 335 downloads
Kingdom of Ansteorra

Kingdom of Ansteorra

1.27 MB 653 downloads
Kingdom of Meridies

Kingdom of Meridies

4.49 MB 747 downloads
SCA Badges

SCA Badges

479.91 KB 1464 downloads
Kingdom of Northshield

Kingdom of Northshield

1.79 MB 1229 downloads
Kingdom of Calontir

Kingdom of Calontir

4.41 MB 1473 downloads